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               "Cooking for Kids" 

The 2024 Camp Korey BBQ Challenge

3rd annual, sanctioned event at Camp Korey, 24880 Brotherhood RoadMount Vernon, WA 98274


                       Pacific Northwest Barbecue Association

2024 CASH Prize Purse:  $50,000


                         ------------- UPDATED- - Aug 21st  -------------------- UPDATED - - Aug 21st -------

The richest pro BBQ competition West of Kansas City is just around the corner!  ARE YOU READY?

   Friday Sept 6th:  Competition team load-in:  10am to 7pm

     Grassy sites will be 20X30 (No charge for larger RV sites!  No length limits!)

     Power is provided near the sites - bring your LONG heavy duty power cords. 

     Join in the "BBQ Swap Meet" during Load-in day. Bring your extra BBQ tools and equipment to sell or trade to other teams and perhaps

     extra, unneeded supplies as well. (Isn't it time to clean out your garage?)  What are YOU done with that somebody else might want?

     Welcome dinner:  7:30pm (Free to all)

   Saturday Sept 7th:  Site inspections will be conducted by the Skagit County Health Dept, the county Fire Marshall and the PNWBA

     Head Judges. To review what you need to know, visit PNWBA.COM and look under "Teams" and then "Team Rules".

     The event is only open to the public from 11am to 5pm. Saturday only.

     Teams vend to the public BUT meats and other foods are being provided to you - NO COST- yet you retain 60% of sales!

     Mandatory cooks meeting with Head Judges (Rules briefing, Q&A, issuing turn-in boxes, etc):  5:30pm

      Following the meeting, dinner will again be provided for all at 7:30pm.

   Sunday Sept 8th:  Breakfast provided - 7:30-9am

      Standard PNWBA competition meat turn-in for                 

    judging:  Pork - 11am, Brisket - Noon,                               

    Chicken - 1pm, Ribs - 2pm.


      Awards at approximately 5:30pm

      Load-out begins after Awards. (Site tear-down, pack-up after final meat turn-in is A-OK.)

* For those  overnighting in your comp site , bathrooms WITH SHOWERS are also available on-site.

* Fill your RV water tanks as you load in. Limited power will be available.  

* Quiet, inverter-style generators are welcome and highly encouraged especially during vending.

* For the Saturday vending, please bring extra coolers & ice as you will be receiving those donated foods when you                                                           

     check in on Friday.

* You'll supply serving needs for vending, like boats, cups, utensils, napkins, etc.

* Ice resupply will be available Saturday afternoon.  Order and pay when you check in Friday - cash or card

* Washington State and Skagit County are strict about the use of trailers in terms of food vending.  The only trailers they will approve are                   Washington State L&I approved vehicles!  So, most all teams will be working on SATURDAY completely outside of your competition trailers but

   certainly may function back inside from Saturday night through the competition. All of our teams have done so the past two years - Really - 

   it's no biggie but do know that rule is concrete and the Health Dept will be inspecting for that.  Everything outside of trailers!

* All teams will be paid for vending and awards prior to departure.

* By the way, we obviously pay out bonuses for the Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion but also for events of 30 teams or more, 

   the third-place overall finisher, the Reserve Champion, also enjoys a healthy bonus!                                                                                                                          *Each of the four meat categories is paid through the top 15 finishers!

                                                                                    We encourage you now to visit  to find out what's so

                                                                                     magical about this very, very unique camp! Those of us who have participated in this event the

                                                                                     past two years have discovered how wonderful this camp is and it now occupies a warm spot

                                                                                     in our hearts.  We really do encourage you to find out, now.

                                                                                                                    Vist PNWBA.COM for rules, etc.

                                                                                      We'll see you at camp!

                                                                                      Camp Korey BBQ Coordinator

                                                                                      Pat Maddock

                                             Any questions?  -or- 253-229-8889

                                                                                      Content updated:  Aug 21st, 2024

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